If you bring in a computer for repair, you can be certain that we have the expertise needed to repair your computer, and the wisdom to know when it is not cost-effective to do so.

  • Our turnaround time. Normally our turnaround time on computer repairs is 48 hours or less – often within 24 hours. If you have a mission-critical business system, you can get even faster turnaround. We understand that most people use their computer every day, so its important for you to have it back ASAP. Laptop repairs may take longer, because disassembly and reassembly is more difficult than on a standard desktop computer.
  • Fair pricing on our labor and competitive pricing on our parts. Before you drive out of town for that part, stop by or give us a call. Chances are, we can give you back several hours of your time! We’ve had many customers tell us that we spared them a long trip because we had the part they needed.
  • No ugly surprises on the bill. We’ll talk to you before we spend money on parts. And we’re honest enough to tell you when a system isn’t worth repairing – before we spend a lot of your money trying! We know what it’s like to receive ugly surprises on a bill – and we will not do that to you.
  • We stock a lot of parts. Motherboards, processors, memory, computer cases, drives, monitors, networking switches, routers, wireless access points… The list goes on. We work hard to have a wide variety of parts in stock, because having parts in stock has a tremendous impact on turn-around times when your computer needs repairs. Stop by our store and see for yourself! You know how it is- when your computer doesn’t work, often that means that you can’t either. Let us help you get back on track quickly!
  • We want to make you happy! If you’re dissatisfied with the service you’ve been getting somewhere else, come talk to us – and we WILL take care of you. We have customers who bring computers to us that are actually under warranty, but they would rather pay us to fix the problem, because they didn’t get the problem resolved, and wasted several hours of time on phone tech support. They also didn’t want to ship their PC somewhere for a week. Give us a chance to make your life easier, and we’ll do it!